Monday, November 01, 2004

11/2 Vocab Game/ Listening Activity/ Silent reading

The Second Hour
1. Lead Ss to pronounce the vocabulary, including 'Words for Production' and 'Words for Recognition". Fresh up their impression for the vocabulary. At the same time set the computer. (5min)
2. Activity one (20 min) Bang/Around the World (Speak Louder)
a. Explain the game rules first.
Game rules: Choose two students at opposite ends of the classroom, and have them stand. Show them the Chinese or English definition of the new words. The first student to call out the correct answer stays standing. This person then competes with the person sitting next to the one who just sits down. The student who stays standing in the end is the winner.
b. After the explanation, give Ss two minutes to quickly browse the vocabulary and try to memorize it.
c. Use PPT to show each of the Chinese definitions, (only few are presented with Enlgish definitions)
c. When it’s difficult to tell who answers first, show the next word. If both of them fail to give the answers, play the next slide.
3. Present the picture of those inventions mentioned on p. 109. Listening comprehension. (15 min)
4. Silent reading & reading comprehension. (10 min)
5. Remind Ss that they will have a vocabulary quiz on Wednesday.


The game is awesome! I think next time we can use more English definitions in this game, to add more diversity and to increase the difficulty.


Blogger Rainbow said...

I can't agree more. I enjoyed looking at them playing the game.

November 10, 2004 at 8:55 PM  

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