Wednesday, September 22, 2004

9/22 The Excitement Prevails

Now I understand why Rainbow and Ms. Chiu always look energetic. I never see you take a nap in the office. Teaching is exhausting, but for some reason, the awareness of making the prepared materials useful in class triggers a sense of excitement that keeps the brain running and running. It's like even you feel tired but you can't sleep well...
I really benefit a lot from Rainbow's suggestion for arranging the slides. She suggests me making the contents of each slide simple and clear. Instead of showing the whole text at once, releasing the information step by step not only makes it easier for Ss to follow but also acts as a reminder of what I'm going to say next. From today's teaching experience, I also learned that when designing an activity, don't be too greedy. Given around 5 minutes in class for group discussion, Ss aren't able to digest too many tasks at once. Take this 'Taiwanese Snacks' activity for example, asking them to make at least six sentences and create an English name for three foods respectively is nearly beyond their limits. Nevertheless, their creativity has added more excitement to this activity.
^0^ Hope everything will be just fine tomorrow.


Blogger Rainbow said...

dear Yu-ming,
That was quite a great job you'd done today! I could see the girls enjoying it. I think your effort have paid off. (It's so worth it, isn't it!) It's gonna be very interesting to see how the activity works with different classes. You would probably find yourself improvising in class as well!

Your reflections on time control is good. Also, wrap your activity up by connecting it back to the textbook. This helps students see the point of the whole activity.
- rainbow

September 22, 2004 at 10:35 PM  

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