Wednesday, September 08, 2004

9/7 Volunteers!

It is not easy to have Taiwanese students volunteer in class. In order to create an atmosphere of volunteering or to motivate Ss to volunteer, assigning a higher motivated student to volunteer in class in advance is one way. Another is to praise the behavior of volunteering, conveying the message that volunteering in class is highly valued. Sometimes when the example is set, Ss might find volunteering not that frightening. I think volunteering is a very important element of learning atonomy and active learning. Apart from language teaching, such positive attitude of learning should be emphasized as well.


Blogger Rainbow said...

dear Yu-ming,
I wish someone could show me how to make students volunteer to speak English in class. Although I've been teaching for 12 years, this is something that I still can't do. Occasionally, you manage to encourage some, but just as you are excited about this, the same students do not volunteer any more for fear that they might be seen by their peers to be showing off.
- rainbow

September 12, 2004 at 8:26 PM  

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