Monday, September 27, 2004


Everytime I talk about Rainbow with several of my teacher-to-be friends, I feel honored and proud. I'm honored that I can work with such an animated, diligent and open-minded teacher and I'm proud that I can always express myself freely ^0^. Unlike what I had anticipated, I'm looking forward to coming to this practicum every day (so far, because the administrative load is not heavy yet) because I enjoy watching you teaching and having discussion with you, not to mention that I really learn a lot from the observation and discussion. Thank you, Rainbow.


Blogger Rainbow said...

Dear Yu-ming,
Thank you so much for your nice comments, and Happy Teachers' Day to you, too! I think in a sense, you are a real teacher now, having had taught quite a few classes these days! In this week's weekly journal, you will read the girls talking about you, too! I am sure you will be very happy to read that. I like your feedback in their journals last week, which, as I've already told you, was very appropriate. I think the feedback has drawn you closer to them. I also noticed that in our class this morning, you went over to them when you saw them having problems doing their work. I'm glad to see that the teacher-student relationship between you have established.

BTW, feel free to let me know when you are too busy to come to the class. I know the administrative work is a pain in the neck. Besides, I don't really see the point of you coming to class for the whole hour once you're capable of teaching a whole lesson yourself. When that moment comes, we can replace observation with discussion. How's that?

September 27, 2004 at 10:10 PM  
Blogger Rainbow said...

By the way, I forgot to tell you that 李薔 called me on the mobile at about 5 p.m. and I heard the whole class called out "Happy Teachers' Day" over the phone. (They would've done the same to you had they known your number, I am sure.) I was happy they remembered to do that, but on the other hand, I thought I should've reminded them to wish all teachers a happy teachers' day. (I don't know if 姿瑜 remembered to do that.) How could I be so forgetful! Another lesson learned for both of us!
- rainbow

September 27, 2004 at 10:17 PM  

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